The Practical Islamic Finance Podcast

The Perfect Setup

Rakaan Kayali

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The Perfect Setup

In this episode, we will cover:

  • Addressing recent turmoil in the crypto markets and alleviating concerns about the current market conditions
  • Explanation of the ongoing bull market and the opportunity for new investors to enter
  • Impact of large-scale liquidations from Mt. Gox and government wallets on Bitcoin prices
  • Effects of leverage in the crypto market and how it causes exaggerated price movements
  • Strategic opportunities for non-leveraged investors during market drops
  • Analysis of IOU Energy's financial status and future plans, highlighting its cash reserves and lack of debt
  • Discussion on the importance of Bitcoin miners diversifying into AI and data centers
  • Performance update on stock portfolios, emphasizing the benefits of strategic trades and long-term investments
  • Advice for investors to maintain perspective and prioritize important aspects of life beyond financial gains



Our podcast is about helping people ethically build wealth. We cover a broad range of topics including stock and crypto investing, product reviews, and general financial well-being.


Anything you hear in this video is an opinion. It is not personalized financial advice. Make sure you do your due diligence before making any investment decisions.

AslamuAlukum everyone I hope you're doing well, my apologies for keeping you waiting. I had some technical issues, but we're live now. I have a really short presentation for you guys today. I figured I'd check in since there has been a lot of turmoil in the crypto markets as of late and some of you may be nervous about what is happening with crypto. So my main message in this slide is not to worry. I don't think there's anything to worry. We're definitely not in a bear market. I think we're still in a bull market and I actually think this is the perfect setup for people who maybe haven't filled their bags yet. This is an opportunity, I think, to do exactly that. So without further ado, let's get started. This is not financial advice for your own due diligence, please. So a lot of you may be feeling like this person right here, you know, thinking why didn't I sell when Bitcoin was at 2 in chains, 73,000. And I'm here to tell you I don't think this is really a time where you should be necessarily worried. The fact of the matter is that we know why the price of Bitcoin is falling, Mt. Gox, the liquidations that we knew were going to start that in July are starting on Gox wallet transferred around almost 50,000 Bitcoin or 2.71 billion. Not too long ago and the in preparation for repayment. And this is going to cause selling pressure, not only that, but you have the German government. You have the US government also transferring Bitcoin while in preparation for liquidation and the market is panicking. Not only that, but crypto and Bitcoin are some of the most highly leveraged risk assets out there. And when you have all this leverage and you have this exogenous event where we're, you know, liquidations that are not natural. These are liquidations that are happening because of a hack that happened in 2014 and they were able to recover some of these stolen items. And now they're returning these stolen assets, stolen Bitcoins to their right full owner. So this is something that is not a part of the natural market movement. This is an exogenous event that happened that is impacting the markets. So, nevertheless, when you when you're levered up and when you're dealing with their understand, you know, a high leverage. Then regardless of whether this is a passing event or something that's fundamental to the asset, when the price goes down, you're going to end up having to sell. And a lot of people are finding themselves having to sell and not just in Bitcoin, but crypto broadly because a lot of crypto is trade by algorithms. Those algorithms tend to be tied to Bitcoin and other assets. And so you can see a drop in one place of the market will have a cascading effect on other assets, which will trigger liquidations, which will cause further drops. Now, as hello conscious investors that don't deal with leverage, we can take advantage of these times because leverage tends to cause overshooting on the way down. So prices will drop more than what this just the the volume is selling will imply because of the forest selling that the leverage adds to the market. And so we can take advantage of this by buying from forest sellers. So I think this is basically a perfect setup where we have an exogenous event, something that's not caused by the fundamentals of the asset. The fundamentals of an asset like Bitcoin are actually improving with time as institutional adoption increases with the new ETFs as familiarity with it increases as it's a increases in comfort levels, whether it's increased the fundamentals of the asset are increasing. We just have this event that is not fundamental to the asset impacting its price. And this is really what an investor looks for. So that this is in a natural white crypto is falling. And if you want a dynamic note. So you have, for example, with ETH, you have a wheel bump 26600 ETH totaling close to 80 million at 3,103 paid a debt that he had on Avi. And that caused the price of ETH to drop to 0.4%. Then this whale created a new wallet borrowed a million from Avi to buy ETH again. So this is happening across crypto in different assets. And so this is an opportunity, I think, for people who want to build positions in cryptos and mainly Bitcoin is, you know, my two cents, not financial advice. But for people who want to maybe build positions don't have a full position yet. I think this is an opportunity. I don't think this is a cause for investors to panic. I don't think this is a change in the overall regime of the market. We are still in a bull market. We're not in a bear market yet. And this is evidenced by the liquidity cycle that we're in liquidity levels and the projections for where liquidity will be for the remainder of this year and next year as well. So zoom out. That's my two cents as the zoom out. We are basically where we should be in terms coins price. If you zoom out, you'll see that we're following the same pattern. We followed in previous cycles. It's not going to be exact. But I think there is reason to think that history will rhyme as it often does. So women out zoom out as the same goes. Now, let's talk about IOS energy because it updated us on its business today. The main thing about IOS that I think is extremely important. They raised more than 400 million in cash. They now have enough cash for the 2024 expanding plans. So it's fully funded. They have no debt. This is an excellent data point for this company. I mean, very bullish on Bitcoin miners and especially miners that are involved in artificial intelligence and have diversified their business into that and data centers because I think that this is a secular trend that will remain for many years. And the market is appreciating that. And I noticed today, actually, we had a PIF member notice in the discord today. IOS energy stock price was getting close to clean sparks, a stock price, something that only a few months ago was really out of their own possibility. Hamdulal Hamdulal, we ended up selling CLSK. We started selling when it was 23. I think the last result was 19 and then we bought IOS energy with it. And IOS energy at the time was, I think, sub $7. So CLSK right now is, I think, around 16, IOS energies around 15. So that was where I moved Hamdulal. And our stock portfolio has been doing quite well this week. I think from the way that rate of return is above 150%. So that's another reason why I would say it's really not a, I don't think a good idea to panic about crypto. Because crypto is a risk asset like stocks are risk assets, technology stocks, especially, you see, at least with our picks for technology, they're doing quite well by crypto is that. And I think that's really a function of what I mentioned regarding these one off events that are keeping the market down and then the leverage and liquidations causing it to the impact of a smaller price move. It's to be amplified and this time in the downward direction. So if you'd like to follow our portfolios, we made our first pick in our newest markup portfolio this week, do become a number to follow our portfolios and become part of our growing community. The more people we have, the more halal conscious investors, we have the more value there is to the community and the more valuable everyone's membership becomes. So I do become a member, we'd love to have you if you are a halal conscious investor. Love for humanity says, some are like a mother or a camera, like a slam before I joined PIF, I went all in Tesla and my average was my average is 300 plus. It's been a roller coaster of a ride. Yeah, I'm sure it has been. Should I trim or exit my positions when break even or keep it for the long haul. Company and shall look. So if you have a long time horizon, I think that the $300 average price, you know, will be okay. So I think it's going much higher, even in the near term, I think it's going higher. I think there's positive momentum leading up to the earnings in July, and then after the earnings, you have the. A global taxi event. So I think that those are those are countless. Maybe a, you know, by the way, we sell the news situation where we have a run up to August 8th and maybe somewhat of a pullback retracement after August 8th. So we'll see how much we are going out prior to the robot taxi event. And if we do run up a lot, there may be a swing trade there where good, you know, sell leading up to the event by back after the event. When things dip. So that's a way to see if you want to do a bit of swing trading there, but longer term, I think. Tesla will ultimately become at least it's on the trajectory to become the most valuable company on earth. I really believe that. So I think as a long term, if you don't need the money long term, there's nothing to worry about really. Yeah, sorry. I was late starting the live with a bliss. Thank you for sleeping with us. And I believe someone I can every one brother can thank you for everything you do. It's my pleasure, especially. I remember it's my pleasure. Let's not forget to leave a like and comment. Thank you very much. And I just says, thanks for word of assurance. I was appreciated. It's my pleasure. Salim says, would you say it's better to buy Bitcoin or minor for better gain? So the Bitcoin miners, I look at them as basically a leverage to play on Bitcoin. I'm in the like the operating profit of the operating income of a company will increase a lot or will amplify the gains in Bitcoin because there are a lot of fixed expenses. And once you cover those fixed expenses above that goes right to your bottom line. So Bitcoin miners can be a leverage by on Bitcoin. However, they they are more risky than Bitcoin. So it really depends on what your risk appetite is in the sure way is to go just directly with Bitcoin. With Bitcoin miners, you have to make sure that you pick the right one. What Bitcoin money that's running efficiently that has a low cost per Bitcoin line that is not diluting shareholders into oblivion. That has a low cost of electricity that is investing in more efficient miners. This is a constant process because you're competing with other miners on the network. There's a fixed amount that's distributed. So you want to make sure that your Bitcoin minor is at least maintaining their share in the overall network and not falling behind. So there's a lot of other you have obviously political risks if they're based in a place where there may be some adverse legislation that they are subject to. So there's a lot more going on with Bitcoin miners that you have to take into account. Most of them actually, as of right now, most of them have under-conformed Bitcoin. So for most miners, you would have been better off just buying Bitcoin. There are a few miners that have done well. So just a word of caution if you want to double into Bitcoin miners. Do you think there is more X4 iron or are we close to its highest? I think there's more room to run for Irish energy, especially considering that they are really investing heavily and seem very aware of the data center opportunity. And they have been one of the early Bitcoin miners to actually make their business or diversify their business into not just Bitcoin mining, but also a compute power for data centers. So I think this is, as I mentioned, the secular trend that will serve the companies that invest in it in a big way in China. For our iron cell prices asking when to sell ISM&G for our iron cell prices to check our watch list, that's where we have, you know, when we would start to take profits and when we would buy. I guys do leave a like if you enjoyed this video and enjoy your weekend. And just a, so some, I thought that I had this week that I'd like to share. You know, when things, when things are going very well for you in the market, I'm glad it's been going quite well for us in the markets, excluding crypto. But it's been going quite well for the markets. It's easy to get very caught up in the price list of, you know, your stocks and the value of your portfolio. And I just want you to make sure that you're not falling into how much importance on it. Ultimately, I mean, after you've fulfilled your needs, your basic needs for yourself, for your family, everything above that is, you know, just a nice to have. It's not a must have. And so, you know, if you're lucky enough to be in a place where you stay, your food is there for yourself or your family. You're in good health. There's, there's really enough above that that, you know, money is going to get you. So just keep things in perspective and don't forget about the more important things, spending time with your family, spending time with your creator. Being a good Muslim, being a good person. Don't forget about those things in favor of, you know, just following your portfolio and being obsessed with it and checking it every two seconds. I have to remind myself of this, this week. And so I'm just, I'm not saying this from the perspective of, you know, someone who is above these things. I'm saying this from the perspective of someone who actually has to remind themselves of these things. And so I just wanted to share that. A good way to kind of ground yourself. When you feel like, you know, you're too involved in this, and you're, it's just taking too much mental space is to give it money away. That's a good way to sort of ground yourself and to get out of that state of mind. So we did money away. Charity thought of help someone with it. And that's a good way to keep things in perspective. So just wanted to share that with you guys and enjoy your weekend. So I make them and peace be upon you all.