The Practical Islamic Finance Podcast

Is history about to repeat?

Rakaan Kayali

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Is history about to repeat?

In this episode, we will cover the following main topics:

  1. Market summary and recent updates on Tesla and Bitcoin.
  2. Growth portfolio performance and strategies.
  3. Crypto market analysis, including trends in Bitcoin ETFs and stablecoins.
  4. Political influences on the crypto market.
  5. Tesla's dominance in China and insights on long-term investment strategies.
  6. Questions from the audience about portfolio ratios, specific stocks, and cryptos.



Our podcast is about helping people ethically build wealth. We cover a broad range of topics including stock and crypto investing, product reviews, and general financial well-being.


Anything you hear in this video is an opinion. It is not personalized financial advice. Make sure you do your due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Alsalmu Alaykum everyone. I hope you are doing well. Today is Tuesday July 9th. Tesla continues to chug along here. We're now north of 260. Bitcoin is at 57,000. Let's hope, let's hope that we get a setup wherein we can rotate some money from Tesla to Bitcoin maybe, but I think right now it's a bit too early. Today, we're going to go over my market summary, basically what you need to know and we'll let you go back to your day in inshaAllah. Leave a like if you do appreciate these lives. Really appreciate all the people who are leaving likes. I think our ratio of views to likes is really up there. So I really appreciate that. As always, now financial advice to your own due diligence before making any investing decisions. And our growth portfolio continues to chug along. As Tesla does, we're sitting at a cool money weighted rate of return at around 107%. Hopefully we get much higher by the end of the year inshaAllah. I'm looking to get this portfolio in the six figures inshaAllah soon. So inshaAllah, we're able to do that. And just a reminder, as a Tesla investor, you have only one job. And that is not to overthink it and swing trade yourself out of your shares. Try not to mess this up, which is ironic considering I was mentioning a reallocation to Bitcoin if we get a big enough divergence from where I think fair value is. And I'll talk about fair value or expected value for Bitcoin in a second. But when we do these rotations, we do them on a staggered schedule. We don't do them in one fell swoop. And we try and make sure our moves are no brainers and they're not trying to time something precisely. They're when a mispricing becomes egregious. I'm hoping for that, but we'll play the cards as the market deals them inshaAllah. The crypto market cap in the last week has fallen from 2.3 to 2.1 trillion. BTC, Ethereum, and others have all been taking it on the chin. Stablecoin has remained pretty steady, pretty stable in terms of market cap. A lot of investors, as I mentioned in the last life there. In the wait and see posture, we're not seeing a lot of deployment of stablecoins yet. We're not seeing people piling into stablecoins. They're just maintaining their levels. And in fact, the fear and greed index has fallen from neutral territory to actually fear territory, which is a bullish signal. If you look at the last time we were at these levels in terms of fear and greed, you'd have to go to September of 2023. And if you recall, after September 2023, we had a pretty big rally in crypto. So it doesn't necessarily happen immediately once we get into fear territory, but typically it does follow. That is a rally. If you look at the alts, well, they're getting torched to put it lightly. You have dog with hat, despite its solid fundamentals. It was down 25% in the last week. And other alts have been taking a beating as well. Maybe a good time to load up on the highest conviction alts that you have. On a positive note, we've had a pretty substantial rebound in Bitcoin ETFs. Yesterday we had the highest BTC inflows into the newly established BTC ETFs. We've had the highest inflows since June 5th. So that is good. Typically, the BTC inflows are a good leading indicator for what happens with Bitcoin price. So perhaps we see some more strength in Bitcoin's price. The Bitcoin power loss suggests that the natural price for Bitcoin right now is right around 84,000. What I mean by natural price is if we were to regress the prices, the historical prices of Bitcoin onto a trend line. And basically, simple regression, we should be and we followed that trend line. We should be at 84,000 right now. And the line at which at no point. So if we use that same method for the top and bottom here. So the line at which no point we would be above, historically speaking, would be around 300,000 for Bitcoin, 324,000. What's 24,000 between between friends? The line at which we would never be below if we look at historical Bitcoin pattern would be 29,000, 795. So this is an asymmetric bet. If there ever was one, you have an upside here of 324,000 downside of 27,000 from where we are right now 28,000. So yeah, you do the math on that one. That is, if you do believe in the Bitcoin power law, it's not science as with any type of price prediction, but it has been not too far off from where Bitcoin price tends to end up. It's not a good sort of near term trading tool, but if you zoom out and you have a longer term horizon, then I think it should give you a ballpark of where the Bitcoin price will end up being. Now, Republicans are adding to their lead in the polls and their appeal by making it clear that they are the pro crypto party. Yesterday they had a draft put out that basically announced they were pro crypto in that they were pro Bitcoin mining. They were going to keep that in the US. They were against any central bank issued cryptocurrency. They mentioned that they wanted to make sure that custody of crypto remained outside a government oversight. So they're saying all the right things with regards to crypto and Democrats continue to be clueless on this issue with extremists like Elizabeth Warren really showing her bias and I think very limited understanding of anything related to crypto and the economy in general. Model Y has become the best selling new energy vehicle in China in the first half of 2024. So sorry to say to those BYD enthusiasts or those who think BYD has eclipsed Tesla. Well, that's not the case in the home country of BYD as Model Y appears to be the more popular new energy vehicle in China. So I'm going to talk a little bit about what's going on here. I'm going to talk a little bit about what's going on here and what's going on here and what's going on here and what's going on here and what's going on here and what's going on here and what's going on here and what's going on here and what's going on here. He changes tune very quickly and becomes the biggest bowl of Tesla. By the way, these are the analysts that you need to make sure you avoid and have a good memory of the analysts that are following the latest trend. So when Tesla is doing poorly, they're very, you know, they ride the bandwagon and our bearish all of a sudden when Tesla is doing well, they ride the bandwagon again and become become bulls. So you want to follow the people who are bullish when things aren't looking good can identify a bubble before it pops. Those are the analysts that you want to follow, but Gary Black does make the following observation, which is objectively true. The last time Elon must talked about obliterating Tesla, George was 2019, 2020 and from July 2019 through December of 2020, Tesla increased 15x. Does Tesla have the 15x left in it? Yes, I think it does. Well, it happened in the next 24 months, probably not, but if you have a longer term horizon, then you don't necessarily need for it to happen in the next 24 months. So just food for thought. If you still haven't filled your bags with what you target for Tesla, this may be one of your last chances to get in on Tesla when it has a market cap below $1 trillion. If you'd like to follow our portfolios, do become a PI of number if you aren't already. And with that, let's go to questions. What healthy ratio of crypto stocks, including dividend growth, do your advice to keep in one's portfolio that does depend on your financial situation. Sorry, but that's all the detail I can provide, your financial situation, your risk appetite, your tolerance will determine these things. Rashad says, Salaam, Alikum Salaam, hope members are safe after storm barrel. Yes, indeed, I hope they are, and I hope Rashad you are. So don't want to dox any members, but yeah, Salaam everyone is safe and sound. Salaam, what do you think of Terawolf? There's the AI play there to not sure if it's value too richly at the moment. So I have two Bitcoin miners right now. I shared a new one last week. Those are my favorites. Can we buy Flux now? Interesting enough, even though this is quite a coincidence, I was actually looking at Flux yesterday. Are you talking about Flux, the stock or Flux, the crypto? Because I was looking at Flux, the stock yesterday. We'll see because I'm still looking to add more picks to our small cap portfolio. So yeah, still analyzing that one. We need a new area to invest so we can be distracted. BTC is shaking me well. Yeah, don't be shaking. I actually, you know, to the extent this doesn't hurt anyone, I would like it to go in child law. That would be great, actually. So we'll see. Salaam, iron has dipped today. Good time to buy. Well, I haven't bought, but it's definitely better to buy on dips than it is to buy on spikes. Core scientific may be an interesting look. Yeah, I had a friend actually send me a link to an article about Core Scientific not too long ago. As I mentioned, I like our picks more. Which crypto miners are halal? Well, actually, if you just go to practical stomach finance or app.practical stomach calm, link in the description. The halal reports that we have are free to check out, so do that. Do you offer one to one consultations? I do. And the, that is personal advice on one's financial situations. Yeah, for consultations, you can see the link in the description. So do leave a like if you found this live beneficial. Until next time, make sure to take care of yourself. As salaam alaikum and peace be upon you all.