The Practical Islamic Finance Podcast

Bulls Taking Over

Rakaan Kayali

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Bulls Taking Over
In this episode, we will cover:

  • Intro and Market Overview
  • Bitcoin at $68K and Bullish News
  • Russell 2000 Outperforming Other Indexes
  • Tesla & Nvidia Stocks Recovering
  • Microreactor Stocks Surge with Amazon’s $500M Investment
  • ASML Earnings Review & Stock Analysis
  • Crypto Market Update (Doge, Bonk, Helium)
  • Solid-State Batteries vs. Lithium-Ion
  • Iris Energy Update: AI Cloud & Bitcoin Mining
  • Election Impact on Markets: Trump Favored
  • BRICS, Gold, and the Dollar’s Future


Our podcast is about helping people ethically build wealth. We cover a broad range of topics including stock and crypto investing, product reviews, and general financial well-being.

Anything you hear in this video is an opinion. It is not personalized financial advice. Make sure you do your due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Assalamu alaikum everyone. I hope you're doing well. Today is Wednesday, October six team and Bitcoin is at sixty eight thousand just hit sixty eight thousand. So I hope you are doing well. We're going to go over a number of bullish news for a lot of the positions that we hold in positions that we talk about the indexes today. For the second day in a row, Russell's two thousand is beating all the indexes. It's up one point six percent. S&P is up point two eight percent. Dow Jones is up point five three percent. And Nasdaq is basically flat. Tesla is up today as well. Less than one percentage point, but it's up. It's in the green. It's recovering from the post-Robotex event dip. nvidia is recovering from the asml driven dip and we'll take a closer look into asml you want to stick around for that by the way leave a like if you enjoy these lives if you're happy to see me leave a like I'm definitely happy to be here and thanks for coming IOS Energy is up four point four percent. Bitdeer is up three point seven three percent. Bitcoin miners are on a tear as of late. And it's no wonder considering Bitcoin is on a tear itself now approaching the all time high that it achieved earlier this year. But Sam, always nice to see you. Thank you. the microreactor nuclear power company is up another thirty seven percent. Ouch. You look at that and you're like, oh, man, I wish I bought that. But an SMR, another microreactor company that we looked at yesterday, is up thirty two percent. Why is it up and why you should not feel any regret? I always remind myself, remind everyone who listens The future is really unpredictable. It's tough to know what tomorrow's headlines are going to hold. The reason why those two stocks are up today is Amazon is going nuclear. So we were going nuclear on PIF yesterday. Amazon is going nuclear today. They're investing more than five hundred million to develop small modular reactors. So in sympathy, everyone that's in the space got a boost as well. does seem like the tech giants are looking at small modular nuclear reactors as the solution to power their plans for data centers so I've spoken many times about data centers on this channel and how investing in the supply chain for those data centers is probably a good idea we'll pan out well because it's going to be the focus of a lot of CapEx for the next few years in order to build out the infrastructure for artificial intelligence to what it needs to be. And part of that supply chain is providing the energy needed for those data centers. These micro reactors are part of that. And so you're seeing how they're performing today. Not too shabby. As I said, Oklo up close to thirty seven percent as I speak. SMR up thirty three percent. If you weren't attending yesterday's live, I did conclude that both, I think, and I still think this is the case. I mean, news headlines, news headlines be what they may. For Oklo, we're talking about the first reactor being online in twenty twenty seven. So that's when their first revenue is going to be is going to be generated for SMR, maybe twenty thirty. So, yes, it's a good space to be in. But make sure if you do get in this space to have a longer time horizon, there's going to be a lot of volatility along the way. and who knows if a uh and by the way both of these stocks are pretty heavily shorted and so a news headline will take it up a lot more than perhaps the headline itself justifies and a adverse headline will take it down perhaps a lot more than the news headline justifies and I would think about entering a position like this on the latter case. So if a news headline comes out and let's say it's down forty percent. Well, in that case, that's when I may think about picking up some shares. Now, speaking of situations like this, we have ASML and this is a really interesting company. You know, earlier. Let's see, July tenth, it reached close to a thousand That's a thousand one hundred here for a share price. It's now half of that. So let's take a look at that and see, hey, maybe it's a good opportunity to to pick up some shares on the cheap. You want to buy when things are. when people are pessimistic about the asset, not when they are optimistic. Now, if I look at ASML, which reported earnings today, actually they mistakenly leaked their earnings yesterday, which didn't help their stock price having that mistake occur. it is currently trading at a market cap of two hundred and seventy billion after the route that it has experienced in the last couple of days now down close to well seventeen percent now if we look at what they reported actually the report was not that bad uh they reported seven point five billion euros total net sales and two point so give or take eight billion US dollars and two point one billion net income. So you can see. Right off the bat, the their profit margins are pretty healthy, so two point one billion. Net income on seven point five, I mean, you're talking close to more than twenty five percent in terms of a profit margin that's not bad uh q three total so that's bottom line here I'm talking their gross margins are actually fifty percent which is fantastic q three total sales seven point five billion gross margin of fifty point eight percent net income of two point one billion that's what they reported for q three Quarterly net bookings was below what they guided for, two point six billion, of which one point four billion is EUV. ASML expects Q for twenty twenty four total net sales between eight point eight billion and nine point two billion and gross margin between forty nine percent and fifty percent. Again, this seems like it falls in the category of easy businesses to make money in terms of profit margins. I love that. ASML expects twenty twenty four total net sales to be around twenty eight billion. So if we're looking at a multiple of revenue for this year, it's trading at less than ten X revenue, which is not. Which is not unreasonable for a company that has fifty percent gross margins, that's not unreasonable and. a healthy growth rate. Now let's look at that. ASML expects twenty twenty five total net sales to be between thirty billion and thirty five billion. Now, if we were to achieve thirty five billion, that's a twenty five percent growth rate. So you've got a healthy growth rate, healthy margins, healthy net profit. It's in the right it's in the right business with providing the infrastructure for semiconductor manufacturing. I saw a report that said ASML was ahead of competitors by at least five years. So if a competitor wanted to, so they have a monopoly in their space. If a competitor wanted to come out with an alternative, they'd need at least five years, at least according to that report. They are investing heavily in research and development. I believe their R&D expenses for Q three was a billion dollars. So, Yeah. So ASML expects R and D costs of around one point one billion. And I believe this is for Q four. Yeah. For the fourth quarter, ASML expects R and D costs of around one point one billion SGNA of three hundred million. It's a well-run company and they're investing in the right things. If you look at their cash. they are so cash from operations close to a billion so they're positive on their cash generation cash from investing so they're investing in capex cash from financing they paid down some of their debt uh net change in cash was negative but they have free cash flow that is positive plus two hundred fifty eight million again they did pay off some financing so that's why the net change in cash is negative but overall this is a good company And so because it pays a dividend, I may consider it for a dividend portfolio. This is just a preliminary take on the company. But from what I've seen, this seems like a good company, maybe a good time to pick up some shares considering how much it is down in the last five days. Obviously, you don't want to catch a falling knife, but it's getting to attractive territory here. also in terms of catalysts if we get earnings let's say nvidia comes out with really strong earning earnings it's very possible that something like asml will rally in sort of sympathy with that all right let's look at some other things in the market today so what is really interesting here Hey, Chocolate, nice to see you. Wa alaikum salam. Rashad, thank you so much. Really appreciate you coming all the time. It's amazing to see you, Rashad, as always. Presidential election probabilities are now solidly in Donald Trump's favor, a sixty to forty. I've never seen something like this. I can't attest to how accurate this forecast is. It's not over until it's over. So keep that in mind. Don't think that this is a done deal, but the percentages are definitely in Donald Trump's favor. And that's probably one of the reasons why crypto is rallying as hard as it is. If you look at the crypto bubbles here, it looks like doge is on the move ten percent plus ten percent you have bonk is plus five point five percent this is on the day by the way if we look at the last week there's a lot of green now told you guys about helium and how I was suspicious of it everything is in the green except for helium down ten percent Bonk is up seventeen point four percent. Doge is up sixteen percent. So the fundamentally sound tokens, the one is where I'm being sarcastic here. Crypto is la la land. There's no rhyme or reason for anything. It seems in many cases. All right. So another piece of good news for us. solid state batteries. And I've gotten a lot of questions about solid state batteries. Oh, hey, is the demand for lithium going to go away? Solid state batteries, they're going to use sodium instead of lithium. What's going to happen to the demand for lithium? Well, it appears that solid state batteries hype is fading. Now, there are some lithium solid state batteries, but there are other materials. And There was some concern about demand for lithium, perhaps not meeting projections. Now, it does appear, at least as per this article, it does appear that the advancements in lithium-ion batteries, what's currently used, are good enough, basically, for people not to really... be too eager to invest heavily in research and development for solid-state batteries so when you look at current technology the lithium-ion batteries they have just been improving so much The incremental improvement of a cheaper technology has been so good that maybe it's not so attractive anymore to pull all that attention on solid state. And this is according to Senior Director for Vehicles and E-Mobility Supply Chains at the campaign group Transport and Environment. According to him, Five years ago, that's pretty attractive LinkedIn profile. Five years ago, if we talked about this, I would have been so excited about solid state batteries. But somehow within this space between pilots and commercialization, there's some kind of barrier today, some kind of blockage, because every time I speak with automotive executives at battery conferences, I keep hearing the same answer. We are five to seven years away. So I don't think it's necessarily something to be worried about as it relates to structural demand for lithium. Now let's look at another winner for us, Iris Energy. It's up four point five four percent. So the litigation, the short reports, all of that FUD is having a tough time today. Iron released its business update. And it was very positive. AI cloud services continue to scale. One point four gigawatt data center project energy energization now April twenty twenty six. So whereas they were. projecting later than that. Now they pulled it ahead. So let's look at some of the details here. AI operations scaling with strong profit contribution. Iron's AI cloud services division is expected to be generating approximately thirty two million in annualized hardware profit. By the end of December and hardware profit, we're just taking depreciation and we're we're using as a cost the electricity cost. contributing approximately ten percent to the company's overall earnings. Now, it's contributing ten percent to the company's overall earnings, but later they mention AI cloud services currently utilize less than point five percent of Iron's total data center capacity. So imagine how much they can get to. So there's at least a two hundred X potential here in terms of using their current resources if it were to be utilized in ai cloud services entirely so two hundred so we're talking six hundred million in annualized hardware profit keep in mind this is a company with a market cap close to one point seven three billion so you can see the opportunity for appreciation here is pretty is pretty large if they make the right moves and it does appear that they are gpu utilization the company's current fleet of eight hundred and sixteen nvidia h-one hundred gpus is nearing full utilization and they plan on more than doubling this in q for twenty twenty four so by adding one thousand and eighty nvidia h-two hundred gpus more than doubling its existing AI capacity. So they're going in the right direction. I really think the AI and high-performance computing is a lot better business than Bitcoin mining. Next generation, I mean, there's just a very narrow window where Bitcoin mining makes sense. And that's when we're at the strong parts of the Bitcoin bull cycle. But aside from that, it's just recovery and trying to make ends meet. next generation gpus design and procurement underway to accommodate liquid cooled hardware including nvidia blackwell gb-two hundred gpus and existing prince joys and childress data centers Accelerated timeline. This is what we refer to briefly. The target energization date for iron's one point four gigawatt substation at its West Texas data center project has been brought forward to April twenty twenty six earlier than the originally contracted October twenty twenty six. So good execution there where timelines are being pulled forward as opposed to delayed. And this was really cool. Land expansion. ION has secured, eight hundred additional acres of land. So more data center potential. Adding to its existing five hundred acres of freehold land, bringing the total land holding to over thirteen hundred acres. So for data centers, you need access to power and you need land. And it does appear that Iris Energy is securing both. Monetization planning is underway for both Bitcoin mining and HPC AI pathways with indicative interest from hyperscalers. So that's perhaps a sign that we may get a catalyst in the form of an announcement with contracting with a hyperscaler or some other interesting party so all is looking good in the iris energy update as I mentioned no I don't I don't think that inshallah inshallah the litigation against the company will uh will go anywhere really I don't think that there is merit to the claims that were made. And certainly the updates seem to suggest that that is the case. So for those who were worried about it, inshallah, nothing to be worried about. Chocolate Wallah says, election was expected. Harris was going to get an initial boost due to Biden dropping out. This is why there was and still is such huge push to take Trump down legally or deep state actions. Yeah, I mean, I have to say, even the forty percent that is supportive of Harris is kind of surprising. I just don't think she is qualified. That being said, with all this good news, I should mention that We still have the Israel-Iran strike, so that may cause some volatility in the near term. The election, it does seem like the market is saying, okay, there's a lot more visibility here, a lot less uncertainty, so this is less of an issue. I think that if we get through this Israel-Iran strike and it doesn't escalate and things seem to go towards de-escalation in that particular conflict, then I think markets could really take off, especially if the election results seem as one-sided and continue to seem as one-sided as they seem right now. Chocolate says, I read a report yesterday on BRICS attempting to buy as much gold as possible while Western banks are struggling to catch up with gold ETFs. In your opinion, is the dollar truly in trouble? Yeah, absolutely. The dollar is in trouble. All fiat currencies are in trouble. We are borrowing out of our minds in the United States, which means that we have to print and dilute current holders of the US dollar token, if you will. And yeah, the dollar is in trouble. And therefore... things that have prospects to preserve your purchasing power will continue to go up when denominated in dollar terms, like gold, like real estate, like, may I add a little something called Bitcoin, you may have heard of it. All right, guys, if you are not a PIF member, do become a PIF member. Like if you enjoyed this live. And until next time, make sure to take care of yourself. Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you all.